Should you hire a property manager or do it yourself?
Wondering how much to charge for rent? Here's 3 tips to help you decide!
Should you partner with a realtor for potential tenants?
Want to purchase a fixer upper? Read this first!
Should you build a local network of professionals? Find out why it's important!
Guide to cultivating a great landlord-tenant relationship
How did I just buy another property?!
How to Claim Income Tax Deductions
Fixed rates are increasing - and it’s great news!
How to vet potential tenants for your rental property
Why you should have an emergency fund for your rental property
Rent Payments: Should you accept checks or e-transfers?
Condo VS House: Which would make for a better 1st rental property
Thinking about investing in real estate? I will spill the secrets on why you should!
When should you buy your rental property?
Key Factors to Finding the Perfect Rental Property
How to manage your expenses as a landlord!
How to be Mortgage Free in 10 years
Mortgages & Hockey Rinks: Parents' Gift to their Kids
Act Quickly in a Buyers Market- 3 Easy Steps